
Hi, it’s me

Dear Diary… It’s been a while… More than two years. The last time I wrote we were in the middle of a pandemic and I was struggling (surprise surprise) with the thought of wether or not I would or wanted to have any more children. We are now through the pandemic thank goodness. There were… Continue reading Hi, it’s me

On My Mind

Being OK

"How's things?" "You alright?" "How you doing?" These are all questions that we ask people at least once on a daily basis. Yet, I always think, how often do we actually want to know the answers. For instance, when I walk in to my local shop and Sheila behind the counter says "hiya, you alright?"… Continue reading Being OK

The Baby

My Baby Favourites (update)

The last baby favourites post I did when Leo was only 3 months old. He is now nearly 15 months old. Obviously that means that we have been through a whole load more products and things and Leo even has his preferences to what he likes and what he doesn't. As in the last post,… Continue reading My Baby Favourites (update)