On My Mind

Life “after” coronavirus

I was just reading one of my old posts that I wrote in lockdown about the advice and regulations changing and all the questions that were swirling through my mind. It was strange reading it back and knowing that at the time everything was so uncertain and a little bit terrifying. We had no idea what life on the other side would look like.

Now three years on and life isn’t all that different from before. For the most part anyway. Parties are back in full swing, the kids are allowed back in the playground with all their friends and for most of us masks are a thing of the past.

It’s hard to believe it’s been 3 years since the start of lockdown. We were quite lucky in a way that where we live is quite small and there is a lot of open space and distance between people. We were able to go for walks or down to the river and we wouldn’t bump in to anyone. I think that’s what saved our sanity throughout lockdown. I can’t imagine how tough it must have been for people in big cities and in flats with no gardens. Having to explain to their young children that they can’t go to the park or see their friends and families.

My main thought now is the impact that lockdown had on all the small humans who were unable to socialise the way they needed to and missed out on vital parts of childhood need to help them learn and grow efficiently. Leo had literally just turned two years old when lock down started and we were already slightly concerned about his ability to socialise with other children his age. He was supposed to be starting nursery in august of 2020 to help him with these skills but was unable to do so due to restrictions. So he had to wait another year. Since then concerns about his social and emotional development have been raised and according to some of the health care professionals I have spoken to they have been seeing a great number of children of around the same age struggling with the same sorts of things that they put down to coronavirus and the lock down.

So in summary, life doesn’t seem all that much different from before on the surface but I do believe that a great impact has been left on the next generation.

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